Current Model G Dual Zone Grill Cabinet Boasts 700-Degree Electric Grilling for the Backyard

Is electric grilling the next frontier for your backyard barbecue? We don’t know. In fact, we know plenty of charcoal and grill enthusiasts who will vehemently oppose even the faintest idea of that. But what if your electric appliance can get hotter than even your favorite gas grills? That’s the promise behind the Current Backyard Model G Dual Zone Grill Cabinet.

A full-size electric grill for the backyard, the appliance gets you proper grill cabinet, with a lid for locking in the heat, wheels for mobility, and a cabinet at the bottom for storing your grilling tools and supplies. You know… just like your standard backyard gas grill, except without any actual gas involved.

The Current Backyard Model G Dual Zone Grill Cabinet is a 110V electric grill that you can simply plug into an outlet for ultimate grilling convenience. According to the outfit, the grill can reach maximum searing temperatures of up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit, which will be quite impressive if it actually manages to get that hot, considering most propane grills we know can only go up to 600 degrees max (most top out between 500 to 550 degrees). Even better, the instant heat produced by the heating elements will allow a preheating time of just 10 minutes, so you’ll be ready to cook your burgers, steaks, and sausages in short order.

The 330 square-inch cooking area looks much like that on your standard gas grill, with aluminum grates over the heating elements and an elevated rack for food you’d like to keep warm without overcooking. It has two cooking zones, by the way, one on the left and one on the right, each with individual control knobs for quickly making temperature adjustments. That means, you can cook at different temperatures on each side, making it easy to grill different types of food at the same time.

The Current Backyard Model G Dual Zone Grill Cabinet has built-in Wi-Fi, allowing you to access it from a companion app, where you can monitor internal temperature, adjust heat settings, and even find recipes tailored specifically for electric grilling. The grill also comes with meat probes for keeping tabs on the food’s temperature, as well as flavor trays where you can put in wood chips or water to help season the food with either smoke or steam, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

It comes with an Auto-Seasoning setting that will handle the heat and timing of seasoning the grates, although you’ll have to wipe oil manually, since it doesn’t have a facility for doing that. They claim there’s a SmartClean mode, too, which supposedly cleans up the grill on its own, although we’re not exactly sure how that’s done. The process for the cleaning isn’t elaborated on the product website, either. According the outfit, the grill can be assembled completely tool-free, since they use flush-fitting snap-in panels, with the entire assembly estimated to take around 30 minutes.

The Current Backyard Model G Dual Zone Grill Cabinet is available now, priced at $999.
